Luz Serviços, Lda

Luz Serviços, Lda is a property management firm working in Praia da Luz for many years now, they provide a range of services, both to villa owners, as well as holiday makers, you can expect excellent service, with professional and friendly staff, available to all your needs.

If you are a homeowner in the Western Algarve, around the Lagos and Luz area, you should check their site and property management services, and if you are just thinking of taking a short vacation in the Algarve, then they will get the villa of your dreams.


Address : Rua Direita n106
Phone : (00351) 282 788 522
Email :
Time : Open Monday to Friday from 9h to 13h and from 15h to 18h, and Saturday Mornings
Website :
Facebook :
Twitter :

Note: Luz Serviços has recently moved to a bigger office and are now on the main road of Luz.


1 comment

  1. oii tudo bem que saudades de vcs como vao as coisas por aii…como que estaraii muito calor dona cristina desejo a senhora muitas realizaçoes

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