Banho 29 Midnight Swim Party 2017

Yay another year another Banho 29 in Praia da Luz, just encase you don’t know, Banho 29 or the 29th Midnight Swim Party is a annual tradition in this region, it used to be that the people from the interior of the Algarve would come down to the beaches at the 29th to take a bath on the waters to be blessed, but nowadays its just a big party that you can enjoy in the beach, with fires, snacks, drinks and of course a dive in the water at midnight its really fun and the only time of year you can do these kinds of things on the beach!

Bellow you can see the official poster, the live shows will start at 9pm until 3am, this year we have Ruth Marlene, Humberto Silva and TobyOne.

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